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Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences
Wilhelm-Seelig-Platz 1, Postfach 127, 24118 Kiel, Phone +49 431 880-2140, Fax +49 431 880-1691
e-mail: dekanat@wiso.uni-kiel.de
www: https://www.wiso.uni-kiel.de
dean: Prof. Dr. Schultz, Carsten
vice deans: Prof. Dr. Rehdanz, Katrin, ext. 2140; Prof. Dr. Martin, Christian, ext. 2140
secretariat: Hilgers, Maren, ext. 4690; Rathmann, Julia, App. 1653; Osthoff, Kornelia, App. 5397; Poon, Nicole, ext. 2140
Examination Office : Rathmann (Prüfungsamt), Tanja, ext. 7109; Schrader, Claudia, ext. 3381; Schoer, Katharina, ext. 3358; Prüfungsamt Studienkolleg, ext. 4888; Ehlers, Eike, ext. 4888; Rowehl, Hille, ext. 7132
equal opportunities officer: Prof. Dr. Buengeler, Claudia, ext. 6400
Diversity Commissioner: Dr. Titova, Anna, ext. 5276
First Aider: Osthoff, Kornelia, App. 5397
Fire Protection Assistants: Osthoff, Kornelia, App. 5397
IT Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cleophas, Catherine, ext. 3993
IT Officer(s): Dipl.-Geophys. Wende, Stefan, ext. 4380


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