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MNF-bioc-101 Introduction to Biological Oceanography

V; 3 SWS; Schein; jede Woche Mo, Di, Do, 12:15 - 13:00, DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]; vom 24.10.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023; Information concerning general Corona restrictions and organisation will be given at the curriculums welcome event for M. Sc. Biological Oceanography students on October 17. For details please contact F. Melzner (fmelzner@geomar.de)
PFL BioOc-MSc 1
PFL Bio-Dipl ab 5
Melzner, F.
Engel, A.
Riebesell, U.
Hentschel Humeida, U.
Reusch, Th.B.H.
Heubel, K.
Brandt, P.
Hoving, H.-J.
Matthiessen, B.
Boersma, M.
Wahl, M.
Weinberger, F.
Perner, M.
Oschlies, A.
Hauss, H.
Wall, M.
Piepenburg, D.
Böhnke-Brandt, S.
Needham, D.
Stevenson, A.
Carrier, T.
Kiko, R.

MNF-bioc-102 Practical Course in Biological Oceanography (exercise)

UE; 1 SWS; Schein; Part of the module MNF-bioc-102. This module is part of the international study programm BioOcean.; Mo, 11:15 - 12:00, DW20 - R.B106 [kl. Prakt.R. (Westufer)], DW20 - R.B52 [gr. Prakt.R.(Westufer)]; vom 17.10.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023; Information concerning general Corona restrictions and organisation will be given at the curriculums welcome event for M. Sc. Biological Oceanography students on October 17.
PFL Bio-Dipl ab 5
PFL BioOc-MSc 1
Hoving, H.-J.
Hanel, R.
Hentschel Humeida, U.
Engel, A.
Lenz, M.
Piepenburg, D.
Stuhr, A.
Matthiessen, B.
Reusch, Th.B.H.
Worden, A.Z.
Hauss, H.
Marohn, L.
Lischka, S.
Brennan, R.
Melzner, F.
et al.

MNF-bioc-102 Practical Course in Biological Oceanography (practical)

P; 12 SWS; Schein; Part of the module MNF-bioc-102.; jede Woche Di-Do, 8:00 - 12:00, DW20 - R.B52 [gr. Prakt.R.(Westufer)]; vom 18.10.2022 bis zum 9.2.2023; Information concerning general Corona restrictions and organisation will be given at the curriculums welcome event for M. Sc. Biological Oceanography students on October 17.
PFL Bio-Dipl ab 5
PFL BioOc-MSc 1
Hoving, H.-J.
Hanel, R.
Hauss, H.
Engel, A.
Piepenburg, D.
Lenz, M.
Matthiessen, B.
Stuhr, A.
Lischka, S.
Hentschel Humeida, U.
Reusch, Th.B.H.
Worden, A.Z.
Marohn, L.
Hauss, H.
Brennan, R.
Melzner, F.
et al.

MNF-bioc-103 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography (exercise)

UE; 1 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 1,5; MNF-bioc-103 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography concists of two parts: 1.: Exercise - 2.: Lecture; Di, 13:30 - 14:30, DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]; vom 1.11.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023
PFL BioOc-MSc 1 Gledhill, M.
Achterberg, E.

MNF-bioc-103 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography (lecture)

V; 3 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3,5; MNF-bioc-103 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography concists of two parts: 1.: Exercise - 2.: Lecture; Mo, 8:30 - 11:00, DW20 - R.B52 [gr. Prakt.R.(Westufer)]; vom 24.10.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023
PFL BioOc-MSc 1 Achterberg, E.

MNF-bioc-104 Introduction to Marine Geology

V; 2,5 SWS; ECTS: 3; Fr, 9:00 - 12:30, WHS1/Geb.8A - R.002 [GEOMAR Hörsaal (Ost)]; Fr, 9:00 - 12:00, Raum n.V.; vom 21.10.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023; Fr. 9:00 -12:00, east shore campus, large lecture hall - building 8A
  Greinert, J.
Nürnberg, D.
Scholz, F.
Kutterolf, S.
Gutjahr, M.
Crutchley, G.

MNF-bioc-110 Doing Science ( practical Exercise)

PRUE; 2 SWS; Module MNF-bioc-110 Doing Science consists of two parts: 1.: Exercise - 2.: Lecture; jede Woche Di-Do, 8:00 - 12:00, DW20 - R.B52 [gr. Prakt.R.(Westufer)]; vom 10.1.2023 bis zum 26.1.2023; GEOMAR Westshore building, room B52
  Melzner, F.
Lenz, M.
Hoving, H.-J.
Wolf, F.

MNF-bioc-110 Doing Science (Lecture)

V; 1 SWS; Module MNF-bioc-110 Doing Science consists of two parts: 1.: Exercise - 2.: Lecture; Mi, 13:15 - 14:45, DW20 - R.B106 [kl. Prakt.R. (Westufer)]; vom 26.10.2022 bis zum 10.2.2023
  Melzner, F.
Lenz, M.
Hoving, H.-J.
Wolf, F.

MNF-bioc-283 Scientific Computing (bioc283-01a)

V/UE; 2 SWS; jeden Tag, 8:00 - 17:00, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; 8:00 - 17:00, DW20 - R.060 [TerminalR. (Westufer)]; vom 21.3.2023 bis zum 23.3.2023
  Kiko, R.

MNF-bioc-301 Multidisciplinary Oceanographic Research

SONST; 8 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 10; This module contains an Advanced Laboratory Course (Practical), a Research Cruise/Field Course and a Tutorial & Thesis Proposal (Exercise). For more information please contact your thesis supervisor and the person in charge (U. Riebesell). More see in MNF-bioc-301 UnivIS entry and on open OLAT (https://lms.uni-kiel.de/auth/RepositoryEntry/3662413898/Infos/0).
PFL BioChem-BSc ab 3
PFL BioChem-MSc ab 3
PFL BioOc-MSc ab 3
Riebesell, U.
Engel, A.
Hentschel Humeida, U.
Melzner, F.
Reusch, Th.B.H.
Worden, A.Z.
Jaspers, C.
et al.

MNF-bioc-310 Summer School or Internship

P; ben. Schein; ECTS: 5; Zeit u. Raum n.V. - Informationen (OLAT): https://lms.uni-kiel.de/url/RepositoryEntry/578912429
PFL BioOc-MSc 3 Melzner, F.

MNF-bioc-331 Current Topics in Marine Biogeochemistry II (Lecture)

V; 2 SWS; Schein; Module MNF-bioc-331 Current Topics in Marine Biogeochemistry II consists of two parts: Part 1.: Lecture (Mon. 13:15-14:30) DW20 - R.B54 [large lecture hall (Westufer)] - Part 2.: Seminar (offered as a block course, date will be agreed at the start of the semester); Mo, 13:15 - 14:30, DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)], WHS1/Geb.8A - R.002 [GEOMAR Hörsaal (Ost)]
  Riebesell, U.

MNF-bioc-331 Current Topics in Marine Biogeochemistry II (Seminar)

S; 3 SWS; Schein; Module MNF-bioc-331 Current Topics in Marine Biogeochemistry II consists of two parts: Part 1.: Lecture (Mon. 13:15-14:30) DW20 - R.B54 [large lecture hall (Westufer)] - Part 2.: Seminar (offered as a block course, date will be agreed at the start of the semester); Zeit n.V., DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]
  Riebesell, U.
Stuhr, A.

MNF-bioc-332 Current Topics in Marine Ecology II (Seminar)

S; 2 SWS; MNF-bioc-332 Current Topics in Marine Ecology II consists of Seminar and Lecture; Mo, 15:00 - 17:00, DW20 - R.B106 [kl. Prakt.R. (Westufer)]; vom 14.11.2022 bis zum 6.2.2023; Details concening organization will be communicated
WPFL BioOc-MSc 3 Briski, E.

MNF-bioc-332 Current Topics in Marine Ecology II (Vorlesung)

V; 3 SWS; MNF-bioc-332 Current Topics in Marine Ecology II consists of Seminar and Lecture; Mi, 14:30 - 17:00, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; vom 2.11.2022 bis zum 1.2.2023
WPFL BioOc-MSc 3 Briski, E.

MNF-bioc-334 Current Topics in Fish Ecology (Seminar)

S; 2 SWS; MNF-bioc-334 consists of two parts: 1.: Current Topics in Fish Ecology (Seminar) - 2.: Fish Systematic, Biology and Evolution (Lecture); Fr, 8:30 - 10:00, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; vom 4.11.2022 bis zum 10.2.2023
  Reusch, Th.B.H.
Brennan, R.

MNF-bioc-334 Fish Systematic, Biology and Evolution (Lecture)

V; 2 SWS; MNF-bioc-334 consists of two parts: 1.: Current Topics in Fish Ecology (Seminar) - 2.: Fish Systematic, Biology and Evolution (Lecture); Fr, 13:15 - 15:00, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; vom 4.11.2022 bis zum 10.2.2023
  Hanel, R.
Clemmesen-Bockelmann, C.

MNF-bioc-335 Fundamentals and Current Topics in Biogeochemical Modelling

V/S; 4 SWS; ECTS: 5; Fr, 10:00 - 11:30, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; Mi, 8:45 - 10:15, DW2 - Seminarraum Seeburg; Lecture wednesdays start t.b.d. - lecture on fridays start t.b.d.
  Oschlies, A.
Kriest, I.
Landolfi, A.
Pahlow, M.
Schartau, M.
Getzlaff, J.
Somes, Ch.
Koeve, W.

MNF-bioc-341 Advanced Biological Modelling

V/UE; 2 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 5; jeden Tag, 8:30 - 13:00, DW20 - R.B52 [gr. Prakt.R.(Westufer)]; vom 27.2.2023 bis zum 3.3.2023
FRW BioOc-MSc 3 Pahlow, M.
Schartau, M.

MNF-bioc-350 Climate-relevant trace gases in the ocean - Klimarelevante Spurengase im Ozean

V; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3; Mi, 10:00 - 11:30, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; vom 2.11.2022 bis zum 17.2.2023; Please register for this course via openOLAT / first day of lecture: 02.11.2022
WPFL Bio-Dipl ab 4
WPFL Geoph-Dipl ab 5
WPFL Ozean-Dipl ab 3
WF BioOc-MSc ab 3
WPFL BioChem-BSc ab 5
Bange, H.

MNF-bioc-353 Scientific Writing of a Peer-Review Publication

S; 1 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 2; beachte: Änderung Deadline!; jede 2. Woche Do, 16:00 - 17:30, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; vom 27.10.2022 bis zum 17.2.2023; two week cycle - start: October 27, 2022.- Register during the first seminar or by email PD Dr. Avan N. Antia aantia@uv.uni-kiel.de Tel: 880 2685
  Antia, A.

MNF-bioc-357 How to make and keep a habitable planet - biogeochemistry-climate feedbacks and astrobiology

V/UE; 3 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 5; part of module "climAPC Advanced Physical Climate; Do, 10:30 - 12:00, DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]; Mi, 12:00 - 12:45, DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]; vom 23.10.2022 bis zum 17.2.2023; Termine mittwochs ab 26.10.2022 und donnerstags ab 27.10.2022 - DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]
FRW BioOc-MSc 3
WPFL ClimPhys-MSc ab 1
Oschlies, A.
Frenger, I.
Somes, Ch.

MNF-bioc-360 Marine biodiscovery and biotechnology - Practical

P; 5 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 5; GEOMAR-Biotech, Kiel Kanal 44 - date: 27 Feb to Fri 10 March, 2023; jede Woche Mo-Fr, 9:00 - 17:00, Raum n.V.; vom 27.2.2023 bis zum 10.3.2023; GEOMAR-Biotech, Kiel Kanal 44 - date: 27 Feb to Fri 10 March, 2023
  Tasdemir, D.

MNF-bioc-374 New Trends in Marine Biotechnology (5000)

S; 2 SWS; ECTS: 2; Mo, 17:30 - 19:00, DW20 - R.B54 [Hörsaal (Westufer)]; vom 7.11.2022 bis zum 17.2.2023; 07.Nov 2022-20.Feb. 2023, 5.30 pm
FRW BioOc-MSc 3 Tasdemir, D.

MNF-bioc-378 Microbial ecology and genomics (exercises)

UE; 2 SWS; Mo, 9:00 - 11:00, DW20 - R.B106 [kl. Prakt.R. (Westufer)]; vom 23.10.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023
  Needham, D.

MNF-bioc-378 Microbial ecology and genomics (lecture and seminar)

V/S; 2 SWS; Di, 9:00 - 11:00, DW20 - R.B55 [Seminar.R. (Westufer)]; vom 23.10.2022 bis zum 12.2.2023
  Needham, D.

MNF-bioc-379 (L/S) Geomicrobiology of sediments: from sediments to bacteria - turnover rates, enzyme activities and genetics ((Lecture and Seminar mandatory for the practical MNF-bioc-379 (P)))

V/S; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 2,5; MNF-bioc-379: Lecture, Seminar; jeden Tag, 9:30 - 16:30, Raum n.V.; jede Woche Mo-Fr; vom 6.3.2023 bis zum 17.3.2023; Anmeldung per E-mail: mperner@geomar.de/ mliebetrau@geomar.de
  Perner, M.

MNF-bioc-379 (P) Geomicrobiology of sediments: from sediments to bacteria - turnover rates, enzyme activities and genetics ((Block course: Practical, only available in association with the lecture/seminar MNF-bioc-379 (L/S))

P; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 2,5; MNF-bioc-379: Practical; jeden Tag, 9:30 - 16:30, Raum n.V.; vom 6.3.2023 bis zum 17.3.2023; Anmeldung per E-mail: mperner@geomar.de/ mliebetrau@geomar.de
  Perner, M.

MNF-bioc-380 Sustainable Ocean Food Production and Security

V/S; 2 SWS; ECTS: 6; Do, 13:15 - 14:45, DW20 - R.B106 [kl. Prakt.R. (Westufer)]
FRW BioOc-MSc 3 Reusch, Th.B.H.
Humeida, H.

MNF-bioc-382 Tropical Marine Ecology

EX; 5 SWS; vom 26.2.2023 bis zum 8.3.2023; Curaçao, CARMABI Research Station
  Worden, A.Z.


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