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  Master-1: Seminar: Theorie der Politik: Identity, Norms, Ideas, and all that stuff: Constructivism in International Relations (200441)

Dr. Falk Ostermann

Seminar, 2 SWS
für ERASMUS-/Austauschstudierende geeignet, Unterrichtssprache Englisch, *Anmeldephase OLAT: Beginn: Di, 15.10.2024, 18:00 Uhr* Für die Anmeldung gilt das Windhundverfahren, Informationen dazu erhalten Sie unter https://www.politik.uni-kiel.de/de/studium-lehre/informationen-zur-seminarwahl. Wichtige Informationen zu Fristen (auch Veranstaltungsbeginn) und Prüfungen finden Sie hier: https://www.politik.uni-kiel.de sowie auf den Seiten der Philosophischen Fakultät: https://www.phil.uni-kiel.de
Zeit und Ort: Di 18:00 - 20:00, WR400 - R.03.71
vom 20.10.2024 bis zum 9.2.2025

This course provides the students with an in-depth theoretical and empirical introduction on constructivism in International Relations, having a particular empirical footing in Security Studies. It will make the students familiar with the different constructivist schools and how these schools use, for instance, ideas, identity, culture, or norms for explaining conflict and cooperation or war and peace in international politics. Students will not only learn to distinguish approaches and research traditions – such as the Copenhagen School, gender, norm research, ontological security, post-structuralism, radical constructivism, security communities, or self/other relations – theoretically and methodologically, but they will be confronted with empirical puzzles from a wide range of topics that exemplify the opportunities and problems of constructivist analyses. Hence, students will acquire sophisticated knowledge on constructivism’s role and place in IR and Security Studies, on alternative approaches to explaining (in)security, and on how to conduct research using ideational explanatory factors.

Students can register for classes using the „Windhundverfahren“ (greyhound procedure = first come, first served). Information on the greyhound registration procedure is available at https://www.politik.uni-kiel.de/de/studium-lehre/informationen-zur-seminarwahl. Further information on deadlines and exam requirements can be obtained from https://www.politik.uni-kiel.de and on the webpages of the Faculty of Humanities, https://www.phil.uni-kiel.de.

Shortly before class begins, OLAT will be updated with both general literature recommendations and specific session readings.

Participation and (Pre-)Examination Requirements:
Pre-exam or participation requirement: oral impulse presentation (non-graded, for everyone)
Examination requirement: term paper (Hausarbeit) or book review (alternative examination)

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30

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