Organization >> Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital (UK-SH), Campus Kiel >>
Department of Internal Medicine I - Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Pulmonology, Internal Intensive Care, Endocrinology, Infectious Disease, Rheumatology, Nutrition and Geriatric Medicine
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3 (House K3), 24105 Kiel
Name | Room | Phone | Fax | E-Mail |
| director
| Schreiber, Stefan | 0105 | ext. 22200 | Fax: 22204 | s.schreiber@mucosa.de | secretariat | Michelsen, Katharine | | ext. 22202 | Fax: 22204 | Katharine.Michelsen@uksh.de | stellvertretender Direktor | Heyckendorf, Jan | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | jan.heyckendorf@uksh.de | secretariat | Dreyer, Maria | | ext. 19004 | Fax: 22214 | Maria.Dreyer@uksh.de | Projektsekretariat | Pott, Dietlind | | ext. 22457 | | d.pott@ikmb.uni-kiel.de | Leitender Oberarzt | Lassen, Arne | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Arne.Lassen@uksh.de | senior consultants | Aden, Konrad | | ext. 22455 | Fax: 22204 | Konrad.Aden@uksh.de | Bahmer, Thomas | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | thomas.bahmer@uksh.de | Behn, Claas-Olsen | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | not known | Bergmann, Philipp | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22208 | Philipp.Bergmann@uksh.de | Ellrichmann, Mark | | ext. 22215 Mobile: 631-318 | | Mark.Ellrichmann@uksh.de | Friedrichs, Anette | | ext. 22220 | | Anette.Friedrichs@uksh.de | Günther, Rainer | | ext. 22211 Mobile: 630-526 | Fax: 22208 | rguenther@1med.uni-kiel.de | Heyckendorf, Jan | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | jan.heyckendorf@uksh.de | Ivan, Alexander-Gabriel | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Alexander-Gabriel.ivan@uksh.de | Lassen, Arne | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Arne.Lassen@uksh.de | Laudes, Matthias | | | | matthias.laudes@uksh.de | Nikolaus, Susanna | | ext. 22226 | Fax: 22204 | s.nikolaus@mucosa.de | Schulte, Dominik M. | | Mobile: 62667 | | dominik.schulte@uksh.de | Seeger, Marcus | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | mseeger@1med.uni-kiel.de | Wegner, Julia | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22208 | Julia.Wegner@uksh.de | Wiss. Mitarbeiter | Ballin, Moritz | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Moritz.Ballin@uksh.de | Behrens, Birte | | | | not known | Bergfeld, Arne | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Arne.Bergfeld@uksh.de | Czakyrowa, Aleksandra | | | | not known | Eppe, Björn-Hendrick | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | BjoernHendrik.Eppe@uksh.de | Folkerts, Frederik | | | | not known | Fulde, Erik | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | erik.fulde@uksh.de | Gilbert, Felix | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Felix.Gilbert@uksh.de | Gomell, Caroline | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Caroline.Gomell@uksh.de | Groth, Espen Elias | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | EspenElias.Groth@uksh.de | Guggeis, Martina | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | martina.guggeis@uksh.de | Hinrichsen, Finn | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | finn.hinrichsen@uksh.de | Hinz, Sophia | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | sophia.hinz,@uksh.de | Koethke, Katharina | | | | Katharina.Koethke@uksh.de | Lessing, Anna Sophie | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | AnnaSophie.Lessing@@uksh.de | Lübcker-Ballhausen, Sabrina | | | | not known | Riffert, Jeanette | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Jeanette.Riffert@uksh.de | Ruge, Philipp | | | | philipp.ruge@uksh.de | Schirmer, Jan-Henrik | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Jan.Schirmer@uksh.de | Schulze-Dieckhoff, Tobias | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | not known | Sokolova, Maria | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Maria.Sokolova@uksh.de | Struve, A. Lisa | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Lisa.Klocker@uksh.de | Thomsen, Vincent | | | | not known | Tran, Florian | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Florian.Tran@uksh.de | Weiße, Sebastian | | | | Sebastian.Weisse2@uksh.de | Welz, Lina | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Lina.Welz@uksh.de | Wendt, Eva | | | | not known | | Sektion Rheumatologie | Geisen, Ulf | 202 | ext. 22253 | | ugeisen@rheuma.uni-kiel.de | Leipe, Jan | | ext. 22203 | Fax: 22474 | Jan.Leipe@uksh.de | Mojtahed Poor, Sorwe | | | | not known | Zeuner, Rainald | | ext. 22225 | Fax: 22204 | Rainald.Zeuner@uksh.de | | S-H Exzellenzlehrstuhl für Innere Medizin, Endokrinologie, Diabetologie, Klinische Ernährungsmedizin | Laudes, Matthias | | | | matthias.laudes@uksh.de | Schulte, Dominik M. | | Mobile: 62667 | | dominik.schulte@uksh.de | Türk, Kathrin | | ext. 22453 | Fax: 22458 | Kathrin.Tuerk@uksh.de | Hartmann, Katharina | | ext. 22447 | Fax: 22358 | Katharina.Hartmann@uksh.de | Schlicht, Kristina | | ext. 22448 | Fax: 22204 | Kristina.Schlicht@uksh.de | Geisler, Corinna | | ext. 22446 | Fax: 22204 | Corinna.Geisler@uksh.de | | Klinische Forschung, Molekulare Gastroenterologie, | Geismann, Claudia | | ext. 22412 | | Claudia.geismann@uksh.de | Schäfer, Heiner | | ext. 22410 | Fax: 22429 | hschaef@1med.uni-kiel.de | | emeritus professors and professors in retirement | Fölsch, Ulrich R. | 0100 | ext. 22220 | | urfoelsch@1med.uni-kiel.de | | nicht hauptamtlich tätige Professoren/Privatdozenten/Lehrbeauftragte | Barth, Jürgen | | tel. 04863 401 525 520 | Fax: 04863 401 512 | Prof.barth@hamm-kliniken.de | Bewig, Burkhard | | | | not known | Bokemeyer, Bernd | | tel. 0571 22567 | | bernd.bokemeyer@t-online.de | Bolouri, Human | | tel. 0431 674301 | Fax: 0431 674304 | not known | Diel, Roland | R.009 | Mobile: +49 172 4578525 | | roland.diel@epi.uni-kiel.de | Hamm, J. Hinrich | | tel. 04651 84 0 | | h.hamm@asklepios.com | Heidemann, H. | | tel. 040 2092 1201 | | not known | Hellmig, Stephan | | | | not known | Helwig, Ulf | | | | helwig@internisten-ol.de | Hoberg, Eike | | | | not known | Keck, Fritz Sixtus | | tel. 0481 785 1500 | Fax: 0481 785 1509 | FKeck@WKK-Hei.de | Kentsch, Michael | | tel. 04821 772 2301 | Fax: 04821 772 2309 | m.Kentsch@Kh-itzehoe.de | Kühbacher, Tanja | | tel. 040 81 91 27 53 | | not known | Leimenstoll, Gerd | | tel. 0431 336105 | | Gerd.Leimenstoll@t-online.de | Löser, Christian | | | | not known | Rubin, Diana | | | | not known | Schöttler, Michael | | | | not known | Schrader, Carsten | | tel. 0431 39063 | Fax: 0431 677672 | info@gastro-kiel.de | Schröder, Johann Oltmann | | ext. 22230 | Fax: 22204 | jo.schroeder@1med.uni-kiel.de | Struve, Claus | | | | not known | UnivIS Officer | Macioszek, Ute | 2067 | ext. 22476 | Fax: 22214 | Ute.Macioszek@uksh.de | Weitere Personeneinträge | Alexander, Susanne | | ext. 19001 | | susanne.alexander@uksh.de | Arlt, Alexander | | ext. 22210 | Fax: 22208 | Alexander.Arlt@uksh.de | Bobis, Ingrid | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22208 | Ingrid.Bobis@uksh.de | Bösenkötter, Jannes | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Jannes.Boesenkoetter@uksh.de | Diel, Roland | | tel. 04102 601 2418 Mobil: +49 172 4578525 | Fax: 04102 601 7002 | roland.diel@epi.uni-kiel.de | Hojenski, Leonhard | | | | not known | Kataev, Victor | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Victor.Kataev@uksh.de | Kujat, Christina | | | | not known | Matysiak, Anna | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Anna.Matysiak@uksh.de | Rosenstiel, Philip | | | | not known | Settgast, Ute | | ext. 22449 | Fax: 22458 | Ute.Settgast@uksh.de | Singla, Abhinav | | ext. 22220 | Fax: 22204 | Abhinav.Singla@uksh.de | Wehkamp, Kai | | ext. 22223 | | Kai.Wehkamp@uksh.de |