Organization >> Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital (UK-SH), Campus Kiel >>
Department of General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, House C, 24105 Kiel, Phone +49 431 500-20401, Fax +49 431 500-20404
e-mail: mail.chirurgie-kiel@uksh.de
Name | Room | Phone | Fax | E-Mail |
| Chairman | Becker, Thomas | | ext. 20400 | Fax: 20404 | Thomas.Becker@uksh.de | | secretariat chairman | Andres, Sandra | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | Sandra.Andres@uksh.de | | Stellvertretender Direktor | Beckmann, Jan | | ext. 20410 Mobile: #630785 | Fax: 20404 | Jan.Beckmann@uksh.de | | Leiter Sektion Klinische Transplantation | Braun, Felix | | ext. 20455 Mobile: #630904 | Fax: 22084 | Felix.Braun@uksh.de | | secretariat transplantation | Fritzsche, Petra | | ext. 20465 | Fax: 22084 | Petra.Fritzsche@uksh.de | | Leitung Kinderchirurgie | Bergholz, Robert | | –20121 | | robert.bergholz@uksh.de | | Leitender Oberarzt | Beckmann, Jan | | ext. 20410 Mobile: #630785 | Fax: 20404 | Jan.Beckmann@uksh.de | | senior consultants | Beckmann, Jan | | ext. 20410 Mobile: #630785 | Fax: 20404 | Jan.Beckmann@uksh.de | Hauser, Charlotte | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #631413 | Fax: 20404 | Charlotte.Hauser@uksh.de | Pochhammer, Julius | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | julius.pochhammer@uksh.de | Reichert, Benedikt | | ext. 20415 Mobile: #630782 | Fax: 20404 | Benedikt.Reichert@uksh.de | Schaper, Christian | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630754 | Fax: 20404 | Christian.Schaper@uksh.de | Schlemminger, Mark | | ext. 20417 Mobile: #630863 | Fax: 20404 | Mark.Schlemminger@uksh.de | Taivankhuu, Terbish | | ext. 20412 Mobile: #630905 | Fax: 20404 | Terbish.Taivankhuu@uksh.de | von Schönfels, Witigo | | tel. 0431 50 20401 Mobile: #631412 | Fax: 20404 | Witigo.vonSchoenfels@uksh.de | | management, controlling and it-coordination | Boll, Peter Helmut | | ext. 20421 | Fax: 20424 | Peter.Boll@uksh.de | | Kinderchirurgie | Reischig, Katja | | ext. 24460 Mobile: #630703 | Fax: 20234 | Katja.Reischig@uksh.de | | academic staff | Behrens, Robin | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630713 | Fax: 20404 | Robin.Behrens@uksh.de | Franke, Frederike | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630689 | Fax: 20404 | Frederike.Franke@uksh.de | Gundlach, Jan-Paul | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630756 | Fax: 20404 | Jan-Paul.Gundlach@uksh.de | Hoffmann, Julia | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | julia.hoffmann@uksh.de | Kopeleva, Olga | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | olga.kopeleva@uksh.de | Leißner, Lothar | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630736 | Fax: 20404 | Lothar.Leissner@uksh.de | Leuth, Ole Christian | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #631319 | Fax: 20404 | OleChristian.Leuth@uksh.de | Mehdorn, Anne-Sophie | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | Anne-Sophie.Mehdorn@uksh.de | Möller, Thorben | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630903 | Fax: 20404 | Thorben.Moeller@uksh.de | Richter, Florian | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630845 | Fax: 20404 | Florian.Richter@uksh.de | Schürer, Björn | | ext. 20401 Mobile: #630245 | Fax: 20404 | Bjoern.Schuerer@uksh.de | Stegner, Simon Henry | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | SimonHenry.Stegner@uksh.de | Stropnicky, Pernilla Virginia | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | PernillaVirginia.Stropnicky@uksh.de | | Nebenberuflich tätige Privatdozenten/Lehrbeauftragte | Böhle, Arnd | | tel. 0421 879 1210 | | Arnd.Boehle@Klinikum-Bremen-LdW.de | Doniec, Marek | | tel. 0431 8881811 | | not known | Elfeldt, Ronald | | tel. 04321 4052081 | Fax: 04321 4052089 | ronald.elfeldt@fek.de | Gebhardt, Hinnerk | | tel. 06897 5741109 | Fax: 06897 5742110 | chirurgie@kksulzbach.de | Kahlke, Volker | | tel. 0431 562356 | Fax: 0431 562856 | not known | Löhnert, Mathias | | tel. 0521 9438100 | Fax: 0521 9438199 | Cornelia.schimmel@klinikumbielefeld.de | Schniewind, Bodo | | tel. 04131 77 2201 | Fax: 04131 77 2429 | chirurgische.klinik@klinikum-lueneburg.de | Schröder, Jörg | | tel. 02202 938 2510 | Fax: 02202 938 2511 | joerg.schroeder@mkh-bgl.de | Tepel, Jürgen | | tel. 0541 405 6101 | | not known | Vogel, Ilka | | tel. 0431 1697 1600 | Fax: 0431 1697 1602 | ilka.vogel@krankenhaus-kiel.de | | IT Coordinator | Boll, Peter Helmut | | ext. 20421 | Fax: 20424 | Peter.Boll@uksh.de | | IT Officer(s) | Boll, Peter Helmut | | ext. 20421 | Fax: 20424 | Peter.Boll@uksh.de | UnivIS Officer | Boll, Peter Helmut | | ext. 20421 | Fax: 20424 | Peter.Boll@uksh.de | Weitere Personeneinträge | Egberts, Jan | | ext. 20405 Mobil: #630862 | Fax: 20408 | Jan.Egberts@uksh.de | Heimke, Marvin | | ext. 20401 | Fax: 20404 | MarvinMatthias.Heimke@uksh.de | Trauzold, Anna | | ext. 30580 | | Anna.Trauzold@uksh.de |